
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Painting with purple

Hello, crafting friends!
We've reached the halfway mark in this month's Flower Challenge and would love for you to join in!

It's a really fun theme this month for those who love colouring, but sponging die cuts or stenciling are on the menu too for those who prefer to leave the markers to others!

These pretty flowers are an image from Altenew's Delicate Bouquet, which I stamped twice in green ink off the edge of a panel of watercolour paper. My Arteza watercolour brush pens were still jumping up and down shouting 'pick me, pick me!' and since I haven't used them for a few minutes, I gave them a go ;)

I don't often use purples and enjoyed the novelty of using them for the flowers today, teaming them with a dark green for the foliage. I also used a wet neutral to hint at a background and left the panel to dry. After stamping a sentiment from Reverse Confetti's Perfect Timing, I kept it simple and just attached the panel to a card base.

Okay, it's over to you! Do go over to The Flower Challenge's blog post and drool over the gorgeous samples my team mates have made! When you're ready, you can link up your own card using the Linky Tool at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

I'm linking this card up with Triple B where there is the most beautiful mood board again! I'm also joining in at Word Art Wednesday where we have the option to use the digital verse or it's Anything Goes;  Both stamp sets on this card are getting their first outing, so I'm popping over to Darnell's NBUS Challenge

I've been a bit of a busy bee this past week or so, spring cleaning, gardening and having visitors. It's been pretty hot here too so the golden girls have needed to go down to the river for their walks to keep cool. Yesterday though, I took advantage of cooler temperatures to take them for a romp over the fields where there are rabbits for the huntresses among us to run after. We haven't been there for a while and in our absence, cows have been brought into one of the side fields to graze. Eva is afraid of cows and stayed close to me, but Lulu went over to investigate and, the sweetest thing, spent a few moments nose to nose with some of the braver cows, her tail wagging and clearly making friends. She is full of surprises!

Sending hugs,


  1. A wonderful layout of florals in gorgeous purples,well done to Lulu

  2. A beautiful mix of colours and I love the verse, gorgeous colouring too Vicky, a fabulous card. x

  3. A gorgeous floral card in lovely colours. I can see you are enjoying your Arteza pens.

    How lovely that Lulu is out making new friends in the neighbourhood! Hope your busy time was filled with happiness xxx

  4. So very beautiful Vicky love the colour you have used and the flower image looks so classy
    lolo x

  5. Beautiful from corner to corner! Your watercoloring is a breath of fresh air, and I do love the soft purple blooms. Busyness always includes time for the girls and they love it. You're a good dog mom.

  6. Thanks for the giggle about your Arteza use, too funny. Those are gorgeous florals and you've done them up very nicely to create a gorgeous card. We have a bunny in our backyard who apparently likes it here since we haven't had a pet dog or cat in a few years. I think my hubby wants to adopt it but wild animals don't exactly think that way, heehee. Then again, our swimming pool became a turtle pond after Hurricane Harvey when a family of turtles took it over, and Honey feeds them every day. I suspect he's feeding the bunny, too. ;-) XOX

  7. This is another particularly beautiful card. I especially like that you arranged the flowers in the corners.
    Kaito also prefers to keep his distance from cows; he doesn't like them. He likes them better processed in his food bowl... *LOL* Gundi x

  8. Oh my, Vicky, these purple flowers are so pretty! And this is one of my favorite Bible verses.

  9. Your skill with the Arteza markers just brings these delicate beauties to life, Vicky! Such a beautiful CAS card. My husband is the gardener in our house and, like you, he's keeping busy. I try to fulfill my minor role by pulling weeds lol! Thanks for sharing your puppy tales, too, the girls sound so sweet!

  10. Your water coloring on these purple blooms is soooo pretty Vicky!! I'm loving the simple layout of this card and the perfect sentiment too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

  11. Your design and beautiful soft lilac coloring exudes comfort and care, Vicky. Someone is going to cherish this work of art and be so appreciative!

    I love your sweet Lulu story! And while the girls were busy with the cows, were you able to sneak off and enjoy huntressing the rabbits?🐇Thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Beautiful card, Vicky. Purple is one of my favorite colors xoxo

  13. Absolutely gorgeous!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Triple B!
    Diane TB Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Triple B}

  14. So pretty, Vicky. Beautiful job of coloring.


I'd love to know what you think. Do leave me a comment - it always makes my day! Vicky x

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