
Saturday 4 May 2024

Stenciled love

Hello, crafting friends!
Happy days are here at last as not only is it a warm and sunny spring day here in the heart of England but we also have a brand new challenge at The Flower Challenge for May!  
This month we'd like to see you add colour to your blooms - and I have a feeling this might be a popular one! Regular readers of my blog will know that I have become addicted to my Arteza watercolour brush pens and although they were jumping up and down shouting 'pick me, pick me!' I turned my head away and opted to give my alcohol markers an airing!

I used Uniko's Pure Florals Rose stencil, using a light coloured marker to outline part of it, then masking it off and flipping the stencil over to get a different shaped rose behind the first. I used Stampin Up Blends in peaches and pale corals to colour my roses, building up the intensity gradually. It was a lot of fun but I confess, I'd forgotten how long it takes compared to watercolour markers!

I added some leaves using another Uniko stencil called Natures Treasure, then added a birthday sentiment from the Greetery's Scripted Sentiments and a couple of green enamel dots. Before attaching my panel to the card base, I swiped coral ink over the edges of the card front. I often do this as it reduces layers and means I can easily get the colour I want.

Right, so now it's your turn! Do hop over to the Flower Challenge blog and check out the amazing cards the rest of the design team have made to inspire you - there is some incredible talent on this team I can tell you! When you're ready to share your own creation, you'll find the Linky Tool at the bottom of the post. We can't wait to see what you make!

I stenciled my roses Off the Edge of the panel and am joining in at Seize the Birthday where that's Shirley's theme; The team at As You See It want to see our least used colour in their Mission Impossible challenge! I have never, ever used peach in my crafting but having recently acquired SU's Pale Papaya (I know I'm a bit late to the party!) I'm giving it a whirl here :)

Now that the sunshine is here, it is the perfect opportunity to search the garden for wildlife! Here in the undergrowth, for example, is a rarely seen Basking Land Shark...
... oops, my mistake! It's Eva!
Can't a girl have some privacy while she's sunbathing?!

Sending hugs,


  1. So lovely, Vicky - LOVE the colors you've chosen are really stunning - I was never a Pale Papaya fan myself - you made it look good! Thanks so much for playing at As You See It!

  2. Stunning floral design in gorgeous colours Vicky,your garden looks like it's bursting into colour,a great pic of Eva

  3. Ohh, the beauty of this rose and the colors together! Clever of you to flip the stencil. I wouldn't have thought of that. I hope your warm and sunny weather holds for a good long while. I'm still looking at rain. Sophie and I go out when there's a break, but everything is so wet.

  4. A stunning card. Ever so pretty with the stencilling and colouring.

    Eva looks like she’s enjoying the sunshine xxx

  5. A beautiful colour palette for your stencilled creation Vicky. Indeed it is so nice to see some sunshine and you have some very rare species growing in your garden, two of the in fact!

    B x

  6. You are so funny 😂 and your card is just beautiful, have a great weekend xxx

  7. Such a beautiful card, Vicky! The two colors of roses blend so well together and that font is just gorgeous too. This card is very eye-catching for sure. Thanks for playing at Seize the Birthday.

  8. Ha, Eva would love a snack! Beautifully floral card, love the stenciling, xoxo

  9. Gorgeous flowers and sentiment, Vicky!

  10. Those stencils look amazing! I've never considered using alcohol markers with a stencil but will now have to give it a whirl. I'm with you on avoiding peachy colours - Pale Papaya left my craft desk with only the most minimal of usage and not one tear of regret! Thanks for sharing this beauty with us at As You See It. :-)

  11. Your card is outstanding!!! And your coloring is perfect!!! Gundi
    Yes Eva, scold your mistress! Sunbathing is important to recharge your batteries!!

  12. Vicky, your alcohol markers and stencil are magical together! I love how you flipped the stencil. I've never tried to stencil using markers, your card is wonderful!

  13. Beautiful stenciled roses. Love the colors. Thanks for playing along with us at Seize the Birthday.

  14. This is stunning Vicky - what a great way to use your markers with stencils, I would never have thought to use them in this way. Might have to invest in a new stencil or two and have a go! I love the peachy tones too; I think peach can be a tricky colour to work with, but the addition of the coral/pink stops it looking too insipid. Great tip on inking the base too! Thanks for embracing your least-used colours and sharing with us over at As You See It this week!

  15. While I applaud you, Vicky, for the lovely job you did with your least used colour, as one for whom the corals and peaches are among my favourites, I have to wonder at the differences between people and their perceptions! To each, his own, as my dad would have said! I really like how you used your stencils with markers! Well done! Thanks for filling in the blank for us at As You See It.

  16. Wow, Vicky, what a stunning card! Like others, I've never used alcohol markers with a stencil and your coloring of the two big blooms is just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this technique, I'm very inspired to try it, and well done getting out of your comfort zone using peach!

  17. OH! This is so very beautiful, Vicky, I love the colour mix too. x

  18. Your roses are beautiful, Vicky. What a wonderful job of coloring with alcohol markers.


I'd love to know what you think. Do leave me a comment - it always makes my day! Vicky x

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