
Monday 27 May 2024

Peaceful village

Hello, crafting friends!
It was the 25th of the month on Saturday and I rolled up my sleeves to make a festive card ready for that 25th later at the end of the year! 

I started with an arch, cut from an offcut of white card with one of the nesting Arch dies from the Greetery. I blended ink over it (Misty Moonlight from Stampin' Up) then wet my hands with water and clapped them over the panel, blotting with a paper towel to create a subtle starry sky.

The Winter Village dies from Tonic (that I won as a prize draw at the Snippets Playground) were still out on my table, and I used the line of houses and church from it to create a village scene. I cut one from watercolour card, one from yellow card and several from black card - all snippets! The watercolour die cut was coloured with ink and water and I added snow with a white acrylic pen when it was dry; the yellow die cut was used to replace some of the windows on the watercolour scene to make them look lit up; one of the black die cuts was used to back the whole scene to give it some dimension; the remaining black versions were cut up and used to create the illusion of houses behind the main street.

The sentiment is from The Best Gift of All by Reverse Confetti, stamped in versamark ink and heat embossed with white embossing powder. I added a crescent moon, cut from the yellow card with a circle punch.

I'm linking up with Rudolph Days which has instilled into me the habit of making a Christmas card on the 25th of every month! I took my colour palette from Peace on Earth's lovely mood board so I'm joining in there too. And of course this is a snippety card so I shall romp over to the Snippets Playground and actually remember to link it up this time!!!

This aristicratic lady, who lives in the neighbourhood, is currently occupying some of my time.

Her interests include having her furs brushed, plaintively ordering rich dishes (such as Dover sole with a prawn cream sauce) and telling me long and complicated stories about hunting exploits in her distant youth!

When I return home after attending to her requirements, the golden girls sniff me suspiciously!

Sending hugs,


  1. A peaceful Christmas village scene Vicky,beautiful pic of Miss Kitty

  2. A very peaceful village indeed Vicky, love the background with splatters, the added windows, the houses behind as if in the shadows, and even the moon, a fabulous Rudolph Day card (pretty cat too) xxx

  3. What a fabulous Rudolph Day card you’ve made with snippets, using your prize.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you in the treehouse for cheese and wine. We’ve pushed the slide up to the entrance for ease of getting to the ground afterwards. What could possibly go wrong? Xxx 🤣

    1. EVERYTHING could go wrong if Sarn's involved. Signed, Dudley The General Busybody.

  4. LOL, aristo-cats choose their servants well! winkwink
    Love your sweet card, perfect for 12/25!

  5. What a lovely scene you created...a perfect Christmas card. Miss Kitty looks like she would prefer the golden girls to just go away, LOL!

  6. LOVE your cityscape card! Beautifully done my friend! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Peace On Earth challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

  7. What a gorgeous card Vicky. Wonderful use of that amazing set of dies - we always get a kick seeing our Playground prizes being loved and used, I did chuckle at your current Kitty Lady. Some lovely observations by you,, as always. They do say that dogs have family and cats have staff!

    Hugs Di x

  8. A beautiful card, love the "village", with the starry moonlit sky. As for the Puss, she is a high maintenance gal, by the sounds of it :) x.

  9. A beautiful Christmas card, nicely done with the layering to create distance. Love that night sky with the crescent moon, and the arch always makes a lovely background shape. Miss Kitty is an elegant lady and I know she appreciates your visits. I'm sure she has plenty of stories to tell!

  10. Beautiful - love the scene you've created.

    Thanks for joining me at the Rudolph Days Challenge.

    Helen x

  11. A perfect night sky, Vicky! I love the depth of the village scene!

  12. So beautiful and christmassy thankyou for joining in Rudolph day challenge good luck

  13. Oh wow!! I am more than thrilled again. You have managed to create this peaceful winter atmosphere brilliantly.
    Aha, and you are cheating. It is very understandable that the Golden Girls are suspicious. Kamo has had a new girlfriend for 3 weeks. Also a black and white kitten. Maybe you have already seen the pictures on my blog. Gundi x

  14. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us at POE Christmas Challenge


I'd love to know what you think. Do leave me a comment - it always makes my day! Vicky x

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