
Thursday 23 May 2024

A truck load of birthday wishes

Hello, crafting friends!
Welcome to another Tic Tac Toe challenge! Felicita has created the board for this fortnight and she has come up with ideas that will hopefully inspire you to get a masculine card or two under your belt! 

I was inspired by the diagonal from bottom left, but realised that the top row fits as well!

Earlier on this year when the days were dark and the rain never seemed to stop, I won a bumper prize from The Snippets Playground that really brightened my day :) Included in the parcel was a large Christmas die set from Tonic Studios which included a truck. The moment I saw that I wanted to play with it - and now is the perfect opportunity!

I cut my truck out of snippets of white card and sponged and watercoloured with distress oxide inks, trying to give it a 'seen some action' look! The tyres were cut with a circle punch and the whole thing put together and glued onto the shadow die which came with it.

For the background, I cut a rectangle out of a white offcut using a stitched rectangle die from Heffy Doodle and cut across it with one of Lawn Fawn's Puffy Cloud border dies. The bottom of the rectangle was masked and sponged with green distress oxide ink. The sentiment is the Lawn Fawn Giant Happy Birthday To You die which I used with a yellow offcut of card. I trimmed off the 'to you' part with paper snips and glued the sentiment over the clouds, allowing it to burst out of the scene. To finish, I added the truck and a Clearly Besotted sentiment in a surprise pop of red.

Okay, so now it's your turn! Do hop over to the Tic Tac Toe Challenge blog and check out the amazing inspiration from my team mates. To play, choose a row, column or diagonal on the board and make a card using the ideas; when you're ready to share it with us, use the Linky Tool at the bottom of the post. Have fun!

I’m vroooming over to the Snippets Playground in my truck - anyone fancy a ride? The snippets I used were all white except a yellow offcut for the sentiment and a tiny piece of black for the tyres. I’m also joining in with The Sisterhood of Crafters where the challenge is All About the Men and The Male Room where the theme is Planes Trains and Automobiles. The Winter Village die set is making its debut so I shall stop to refuel and then motor on over to Darnell's NBUS Challenge :)

I love taking my golden girls out for walks in weather which is dry and warm, but not TOO warm - like today. We can go out and play in the countryside then and don't need a river to cool Eva down with her thick coat (although if there's any water around, she will find it, no matter what colour it is and what it smells like!) If the girls aren't on a tantalising scent or chasing a cheeky bird or rabbit, they can always play Dens.

Here's a cosy little place that Lulu has discovered in a hedge. The perfect place to bring up a litter of puppies and welcome Bubba Dog home after his long day hunting!

I tell her that boy dogs and puppies are a lot of work and that Meaty Chunks twice a day plus extra treats, plenty of walks and snuggles on the sofa isn't such a bad life!

Sending hugs,


  1. What a cool truck die its a great size and I'll have to keep my eye out for it. I love your wee cloud background behind it, what a fun and cheery card.

  2. Waves hands frantically to say I’ll have a ride, I’ll have a ride in your lovely truck. Great scenic birthday card.

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you on the swings later xxx

  3. A fun masculine card Vicky, great use of your playground prize and I'm sure they will be delighted to see your card in the playground this fortnight

  4. Fantastic truck, Vicky! What a great card for a guy!

  5. I just love this truck! What an awesome scene you've created Vic ... love it! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Sisterhood of Crafters challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Sisterhood of Crafters
    Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple BWord Power

  6. That's a great prize and you've used it perfectly, love the HB die too. Good advice for any young lady, too, heehee xoxo

  7. Love how you put this together with the giant happy birthday and everything overlaid just right and the truck hanging off the edge like it's just now driving into the scene. It's fun to have a good play with your dies like this. Lulu looks like she's found herself a nice little den, a cozy place in the cool grass and the shade of the hedge. Keep having that talk with her. Young ladies don't always know what they're getting into!

  8. Brilliant card Vicky! Goodness know how but it slipped past me. I do like your vintage truck! And the girls playing 'dens'. That takes me back to childhood - oh what vivid imaginations we had to spend hours playing make believe. Coo, bit of Memory Lane there!

    Di xx

  9. Vicky, what a great masculine card you made for our The Male Room challenge! I love how you combined the truck dies over the cloud die to create a scene!! Thank you so much for sharing (and give Lulu a hug from another dog lover). -Donna


I'd love to know what you think. Do leave me a comment - it always makes my day! Vicky x

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