
Tuesday 11 June 2024

One layer lupins

Hello, crafting friends!
Don't you just love a layering stencil set? Me too! I was given a Sissix set for my birthday called Wildflower Border and I adore it! Here's one of my first efforts:

It's a simple one layer card using a C6 card base. The stencils are 6" square but I love that you can use just parts of the stencils to create something unique on different sized cards.

I used Distress Oxide inks for this card, adding details with coloured pencils.  Once everything had dried, I added the sentiment - a pretty one from The Greetery's Scripted Sentiments.

I used Shannon's beautiful colour palette at CAS Colours and Sketches for this card so I shall link up there; Pamela's theme at Make My Monday is B is for... (our own choice!) and I've chosen Blooms; I'm also popping over to Darnell's NBUS challenge as the stencils are brand spanking new!

Sad Girl Hours have come to our house I'm afraid. It's Eva's turn to have a Poor Paw. After a rather traumatic time at the vet having the swollen toe shaved and examined, we were told that she had an infection in the nail bed. Happily, after the examination, Eva discovered that the vet had treats and was willing to share them. She immediately forgave him for manhandling her toe and, I'm sorry to say, behaved like a complete trollop!

Here she is back at home, recuperating like a princess, having reluctantly left the vet behind.

Sending hugs,


  1. Your stencilled wildflowers look so beautiful in the soft colours you chose,poor Eva hope the infection clears quickly

  2. Just beautiful!!! And get well soon for Eva. Gundi x

  3. Beautiful card, Vicky. Get well soon, Eva xoxo

  4. Awww, poor Eva! She's a beautiful girl with a forgiving nature. I hope she recovers soon. Speaking of beautiful, that is your card in a nutshell! What a lovely garden it is. The inky layers went on with delicate perfection!

  5. You have used this stencil beautifully, Vicky! And that graceful sentiment is the perfect way to finish this off!

  6. Just love Eva's smile! I'm sorry she had a boo-boo that required treatment from the vet.😟 And I love your card, Vicky! I actually went "Ooooh," when I first laid eyes on it! Way to work the stencil to make a beautiful and colorful OLC!! And thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  7. It’s a beautiful card & even more so IRL.

    Poor Eva - hope she makes a swift recovery. Xxx

  8. That's a delicate and lovely stenciled card, Vicky! In Texas, we have blueish-purple lupins or lupines, we call them Bluebonnets and they are our state flower as they grow wild in many parts of the state. We grow a tiny patch of them in our sideyard and they bloom every Spring. Texans drive hours to find a field of them to have their photos taken in them, but I never will as the thought of a rattlesnake terrifies me (they love bluebonnets, too). I hope Miss Eva doesn't have to be on the recovery list for too much longer, xoxo

  9. Those stencilled flowers are gorgeous Vicky, as is that flowing sentiment stamp. So much depth and detail for a one layer. Get well wishes for Eva - she looks quite chirpy, all things considered. Thanks for playing along with our colour challenge over at CAS Colours & Sketches this week!

  10. Just stunning Vicky, I love the stencilling and the summery colours. x

  11. This is stunning! Those dainty flowers are gorgeous and I love the font of the sentiment you used. It's beautiful together.

  12. Such a beautiful spring garden! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS Colours & Sketches!


I'd love to know what you think. Do leave me a comment - it always makes my day! Vicky x

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